33 B2B SaaS KPIs To Track

Colby Flood
SaaS Marketing

This comprehensive guide will cover 33 essential KPIs that help measure various aspects of your business, from customer acquisition and growth to retention and satisfaction. Let's dive into why these metrics are important and how to use them to drive your SaaS business forward.

33 B2B SaaS KPIs To Track

What is SaaS Marketing?

SaaS marketing involves promoting and selling software as a service products. Marketing a SaaS product requires unique skills tailored to attract, convert, and retain customers. To learn more, check out our comprehensive SaaS marketing strategies guide.

Why Tracking B2B SaaS KPIs is Important

Tracking KPIs for SaaS companies helps you understand your business performance, optimize your marketing efforts, and drive growth. The KPIs outlined in this article bring insight into your company's effectiveness in new customer acquisition, the value they bring, and how well you retain them. By monitoring these KPIs, you can stay on track with growth goals and scale profitably.

Customer Acquisition and Growth KPIs

Customer acquisition and growth KPIs are crucial for measuring the effectiveness of your marketing and sales strategies. These saas KPIs help you understand how efficiently you attract and convert leads into paying customers. Use these B2B SaaS metrics to evaluate and optimize your customer acquisition processes and drive growth.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

CAC Formula

CAC = All Sales and Marketing Expenses / Quantity of New Customers Acquired

Why is CAC Important?

Understanding your CAC helps you gauge the efficiency of your marketing and sales efforts. It indicates how much you need to invest to acquire a new customer, which is crucial for budgeting and optimizing your acquisition strategies.

CAC Payback Period

CAC Payback Period Formula:

CAC Payback Period = CAC / (Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) per Customer - Average Cost of Service)

Why is CAC Payback Period Important?

This metric shows the amount of time it takes to recoup the cost to acquire a new customer. A shorter payback period indicates a quicker return on investment, allowing for faster reinvestment in growth activities.

Lead Velocity Rate (LVR)

LVR Formula:

LVR = (Number of Leads This Month - Number of Leads Last Month) / Number of Leads Last Month

Why is LVR Important?

LVR measures the growth rate of leads, indicating the efficiency of your lead generation efforts. A high LVR suggests that your marketing strategies are successfully attracting potential customers.

Lead-to-Customer Conversion Rate

Lead-to-Customer Conversion Rate Formula:

Lead-to-Customer Conversion Rate = (Number of New Customers / Number of Leads) * 100

Why is Lead-to-Customer Conversion Rate Important?

This may be one of the most problematic metrics in the SaaS marketing and sales book. On the surface, it shows the efficiency of your sales process in converting leads into paying customers. However, this metric raises a discussion on the intent level or quality of leads entering CRM from the marketing department. 

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

MQLs Formula:

Number of MQLs = Number of Leads Showing Interest In Your Product

Why are MQLs Important?

MQLs are leads that have shown interest in your product and are more likely to become customers. Tracking MQLs helps you focus your marketing efforts on high-potential leads, improving overall conversion rates. There are no universal indicators of what qualifies a lead as an MQL; every company has unique indicators. 

Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)

SQLs Formula:

Number of SQLs = Number of Leads Interested In Your Product With Intent to Buy

Why are SQLs Important?

SQLs are leads that have been vetted by your sales team and are ready for direct engagement. This metric ensures that your sales team works on high-quality leads, increasing the likelihood of closing deals.

Demo Requests

Demo Requests Formula:

Number of Demo Requests = Total Demo Requests Received

Why are Demo Requests Important?

Demo requests indicate interest in your product and a potential for conversion. Monitoring this metric helps you gauge the impact of your demo request CTAs and the interest level of your leads.

Trial Conversion Rate

Trial Conversion Rate Formula:

Trial Conversion Rate = (Number of Trial Users Converted to Paying Customers / Number of Trial Users) * 100

Why is Trial Conversion Rate Important?

This metric measures the effectiveness of your trial period in converting users to paying customers. A higher conversion rate indicates a compelling product experience during the trial phase.

Customer Value and Revenue KPIs

Customer value and revenue KPIs provide insights into your business's financial health. These SaaS marketing metrics measure the revenue generated per customer and help you understand the long-term value they bring. Tracking these KPIs for SaaS companies ensures you can optimize pricing strategies and improve customer lifetime value.

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

CLV Formula:

CLV = (Average Revenue per Account (ARPA) * Gross Margin) / Customer Churn Rate

Why is CLV Important?

CLV helps you understand the total revenue a customer generates over their lifetime. This metric determines how much you can spend on customer acquisition and retention efforts.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

MRR Formula:

MRR = Sum of Recurring Revenue from All Customers for a Month

Why is MRR Important?

MRR provides a clear picture of your predictable monthly revenue, which is essential for financial planning and forecasting. It helps you track growth and measure the impact of your marketing and sales activities.

Average Revenue per Account (ARPA)

ARPA Formula:

ARPA = Total Revenue / Number of Accounts

Why is ARPA Important?

ARPA gives you the average revenue generated per account, helping you assess the profitability of your customer base. This metric helps identify high-value customers and optimize your pricing strategies.

Annual Contract Value (ACV)

ACV Formula:

ACV = (Total Contract Value - One Time Fees) / Number of Years

Why is ACV Important?

ACV provides insight into the annual revenue generated from each customer contract. It helps you evaluate the long-term value of your customer relationships and forecast future revenue.

Expansion Revenue

Expansion Revenue Formula:

Expansion Revenue = Revenue from Upgrades and Cross-sells

Why is Expansion Revenue Important?

This metric tracks the additional revenue generated from existing customers through upselling and cross-selling. It indicates the effectiveness of your customer success and account management strategies.


Referrals Formula:

Number of Referrals = Total Referrals Received

Why are Referrals Important?

Referrals indicate customer satisfaction and trust in your product. A high number of referrals suggests strong word-of-mouth marketing and can lead to lower customer acquisition costs.

Customer Retention and Satisfaction KPIs

Customer retention and satisfaction KPIs are essential for measuring how well you keep your customers engaged and satisfied. These SaaS marketing KPIs help you identify areas for improvement in your product and customer service. High retention rates and satisfaction scores are indicators of a healthy, sustainable business.

Churn Rate

Churn Rate Formula:

Churn Rate = (The Number of Customers Lost / Total Number of Customers) * 100

Why is Churn Rate Important?

Churn rate is a measurement of the percentage of customers who cancel their subscriptions in a given period. A lower churn rate indicates higher customer satisfaction and retention, which are critical for long-term growth.

Customer Retention Rate

Customer Retention Rate Formula:

Customer Retention Rate = ((Number of Customers at the End of a Period - Number of New Customers During the Period) / Number of Customers at the Start of a Period) * 100

Why is Customer Retention Rate Important?

This metric tracks the percentage of paying customers who remain with your company over a specific period. High retention rates indicate strong customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS Formula:

NPS = % of Promoters - % of Detractors

Why is NPS Important?

NPS measures your customer satisfaction by asking existing customers their likelihood to recommend your product. A high NPS indicates strong customer advocacy.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT Formula:

CSAT = (Number of Satisfied Customers / Number of Survey Responses) * 100

Why is CSAT Important?

CSAT is the measurement of customer satisfaction with your product or service. A high CSAT score indicates that your customers are happy and likely to stay with your company.

Customer Onboarding Time

Customer Onboarding Time Formula:

Customer Onboarding Time = Time Taken to Onboard a New Customer

Why is Customer Onboarding Time Important?

This metric measures how quickly new customers can start using your product effectively. Shorter onboarding times lead to faster time to value and higher customer satisfaction.

Time to Value (TTV)

TTV Formula:

TTV = Time Taken for Customers to Realize Value from Your Product

Why is TTV Important?

TTV is a measurement of the time it takes for customers to experience your product's benefits. A shorter TTV indicates that customers see value quickly, which can lead to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

Number of Support Tickets Created

Number of Support Tickets Created Formula:

Total Number of Support Tickets = Total Support Tickets Received

Why is Number of Support Tickets Created Important?

Analyizing the quantity of support requests uncovers the volume of customer support required. A high number of support tickets may indicate issues with your product or the need for better customer education.

Website and Traffic KPIs

Website and traffic metrics KPIs are vital for understanding how your digital presence attracts and engages visitors. These B2B SaaS marketing metrics provide insights into the effectiveness of your online marketing efforts and help you identify opportunities for optimization. Monitoring these SaaS KPIs ensures you can drive more targeted traffic and improve lead generation.

Website Conversion Rate

Website Conversion Rate Formula:

Website Conversion Rate = (Number of Leads / Total Website Traffic) * 100

Why is Website Conversion Rate Important?

This metric is the measurement of the effectiveness of your website in converting visitors into leads. A higher percentage indicates that your website content and CTAs are compelling and effective.

Organic Traffic Growth

Organic Traffic Growth Formula:

Organic Traffic Growth = ((Organic Traffic This Month - Organic Traffic Last Month) / Organic Traffic Last Month) * 100

Why is Organic Traffic Growth Important?

Organic traffic growth shows the effectiveness of your SEO and content marketing efforts. Increasing organic traffic can lead to higher lead generation and lower customer acquisition costs.

Referral Traffic

Referral Traffic Formula:

Referral Traffic = Total Traffic from Referring Websites

Why is Referral Traffic Important?

Referral traffic shows how well your partnerships and external content drive visitors to your website. It's a sign of your brand's reach and influence.

Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate Formula:

Bounce Rate = (Single Page Sessions / Total Sessions) * 100

Why is Bounce Rate Important?

Bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who exit your website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate that your website content or user experience needs improvement.

Engagement and Content Performance KPIs

Engagement and content performance KPIs measure how well your content resonates with your audience. These B2B SaaS KPIs help you assess the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy and identify what types of content drive the most engagement. Use these SaaS marketing metrics to refine your content strategy and boost audience interaction.

Engagement Rate

Engagement Rate Formula:

Engagement Rate = (Total Engagements / Total Impressions) * 100

Why is Engagement Rate Important?

Engagement rate is the percentage of interactions your content receives relative to your audience size. It helps you understand the effectiveness of your content in engaging your followers.

Social Media Impressions

Social Media Reach Formula:

Social Media Reach = Total Number of Times Your Content Was Seen

Why is Social Media Impressions Important?

Social media impressions help you gauge the number of touch points for targeted accounts.

Email Marketing KPIs

Email marketing metrics and KPIs are crucial for evaluating the success of your email campaigns. These saas marketing KPIs help you understand how well your emails are performing in terms of opens, clicks, and conversions. By tracking these B2B SaaS metrics, you can optimize your email marketing strategy to improve engagement and drive more conversions.

Email Open Rate

Email Open Rate Formula:

Email Open Rate = (Emails Opened / Emails Sent) * 100

Why is Email Open Rate Important?

Open rate measures the effectiveness of your email subject lines and sender reputation. Higher open rates indicate that your emails are compelling and trusted by recipients.

Email Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Email Click-Through Rate Formula:

Email CTR = (Clicks on Links in Emails / Emails Delivered) * 100

Why is Email Click-Through Rate Important?

CTR measures how effectively your email content drives recipients to take action. High email CTRs may indicate that your email content is relevant and engaging.

Advertising and ROI KPIs

Advertising and ROI metrics KPIs measure the effectiveness of your paid marketing efforts. These KPIs for SaaS companies help you determine the return on investment for your advertising campaigns. Tracking these B2B SaaS marketing metrics allows you to allocate your budget more efficiently and maximize the impact of your advertising spend.

Ad Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Ad Click-Through Rate Formula:

Ad CTR = (Clicks on Ad / Ad Impressions) * 100

Why is Ad Click-Through Rate Important?

CTR is the percentage of ad impressions that take the action of clicking through to your website. A higher CTR indicates that your ad copy and creatives are compelling.

Cost per Click (CPC)

Cost per Click Formula:

CPC = Total Ad Spend / Number of Clicks

Why is Cost per Click Important?

CPC measures the cost-effectiveness of your ad campaigns. Lower CPCs mean you are getting more clicks for your budget.

Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

Cost per Thousand Impressions Formula:

CPM = (Total Ad Spend / Impressions) * 1000

Why is Cost per Thousand Impressions Important?

CPM measures the cost of reaching 1,000 people, which is useful for understanding the cost of brand awareness campaigns.

Marketing ROI

Marketing ROI Formula:

Marketing ROI = (Revenue from Marketing - Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost * 100

Why is Marketing ROI Important?

Marketing ROI measures your return on investment from marketing activities. A high ROI indicates that marketing efforts are effective in generating revenue.

In conclusion, tracking the right B2B SaaS KPIs is essential for understanding your business performance and driving growth. By monitoring these key metrics improve customer acqusition and retention, and increase revenue. At Brighter Click, we specialize in helping SaaS companies develop and implement effective SaaS marketing strategies. Explore our services to see how we can help you achieve your business goals. Contact us today to get started!

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