How to Launch High-Converting Ads: Tips from Barry Hott

Colby Flood
eCommerce Marketing

Creating ads that capture attention and drive conversions is a multifaceted challenge – and one of the primary goals of virtually every digital marketing agency. If it were simple, every business would simply run its own ads. But the world of digital marketing is constantly evolving, and launching a great ad isn’t as easy as thinking of a great new idea. 

Instead, a wide range of factors can determine the success of any given campaign, from internal dynamics between creative strategy and media buying to data analysis and the market landscape.

I recently had a discussion with Barry Hott, a seasoned expert in both media buying and creative strategy. Barry's unique perspective, stemming from his extensive experience in the industry, offered a ton of invaluable insights into how to launch ads that truly convert. Now, I’m going to share some of them with you. 

The Role of Media Buying in Creative Performance

A frequently asked question within the industry is whether poor ad performance is due to media buying tactics or the creative itself. During my conversation with Barry, we discussed a survey of creative strategists that asked if they ever worry that negative performance might stem from media buying tactics. Interestingly, 100% of respondents said yes. 

However, only a third of them had hands-on media buying experience.

This raises an important question: Do creative strategists need media buying experience to excel in performance roles? Barry highlighted that in a performance role, understanding media buying is incredibly beneficial, if not completely essential. It allows creative strategists to optimize their content based on media performance data. Without this knowledge, they might struggle to create ads that perform well consistently.

"It's one thing to create an ad that looks good,” Barry said. “It's another to create an ad that performs well. Media buying knowledge gives you that edge." 

This insight underscores the importance of bridging the gap between creative and media buying to enhance overall ad performance.

How Do Creative Strategists Optimize Ad Performance?

Barry's background as both a media buyer and a creative gives him a unique perspective. He believes that while understanding media buying can be crucial, the core skill of a creative strategist should be understanding how to capture and retain attention. This involves a deep knowledge of psychology and empathy towards the consumer.

"Creative strategists should be like psychologists," Barry said. "They need to understand what makes people tick and how to leverage that in their creative." This approach shifts the focus from just making aesthetically pleasing ads to creating content that resonates deeply with the audience and drives action.

At Brighter Click, our Creative Strategists conduct extensive research during a new client's onboarding, making sure they understand not only their core USPs and messaging but, more importantly, what motivates their audience to make a purchase. Understanding customers is at the core of what a strategist needs to do to succeed, so the messaging they create uniquely aligns with what customers need to hear.  

Incentives and Agency Models

How essential is incentive to driving performance? 

Barry elaborated on how agencies' structure and incentive models can significantly impact the quality of ads produced. He shared his own approach of creating high-value ads under a performance model, where he is paid based on the ad's success. This contrasts with traditional models, where agencies are paid per piece of content produced, regardless of performance.

Barry's approach incentivizes the creation of fewer but higher-quality ads that can scale and perform well over time. This model aligns the agency's goals with the client's success, fostering a partnership where both parties benefit from well-performing ads. Here’s how he describes his approach: 

  • Performance-Based Payment Model: Barry operates under a performance model where he is paid based on the success of the ads rather than the volume of content produced. This ensures that the incentive is to create high-performing ads.

  • Quality Over Quantity: Instead of producing numerous ads, he focuses on creating fewer but higher-quality ads with a greater chance of success. This approach aligns the creative's efforts with the ultimate goal of driving performance.

  • Strategic Collaboration: Barry encourages collaboration between creatives and media buyers. By working together, they can share insights and develop strategies that enhance ad performance. 

  • Regular Performance Reviews: He conducts regular reviews of ad performance data to identify what works and what doesn't. This continuous feedback loop helps creatives refine their strategies and improve their output.

"In the traditional agency model, the incentive is to produce more content," Barry explained. "But in a performance-based model, the incentive is to produce content that works." This fundamental difference in incentive structure can dramatically shift the focus and quality of the creative output.

Optimizing Ad Performance

Optimizing ad performance involves several strategies, from understanding the intricacies of media buying to actively managing ad comments and refreshing content regularly. Barry stressed the importance of something we discuss internally at Brighter Click all the time – being aware of how ad platforms like Meta operate. These platforms are designed to maximize conversions, but they don't always align with a business's specific goals.

He shared insights on how ad platforms might deliver different creatives to users based on their position in the funnel, which can affect performance metrics. Understanding these nuances allows creative strategists and media buyers to make informed decisions that enhance ad performance.

"Ad platforms are constantly evolving," Barry noted. "To optimize performance, you need to stay on top of these changes and understand how they impact your campaigns." This means regularly analyzing data, experimenting with different strategies, and adapting to new platform features and algorithms.

Barry also highlighted the importance of dealing with ad comments. "Engagement isn't just about likes and shares; it's about conversations," he said. "Responding to comments can boost your ad's visibility and foster a sense of community." This strategy not only improves ad performance but also strengthens the brand's relationship with its audience.

Refreshing ads is another crucial aspect of optimization. Barry emphasized the need to update creative regularly to avoid ad fatigue. "Even the best-performing ads can lose their effectiveness over time," he explained. Refreshing your creative keeps your audience engaged and your performance metrics high."

Challenges in Creative and Media Buying Collaboration

One of the pain points in the industry is the collaboration between creative strategists and media buying teams. Barry noted that a lack of understanding and alignment between these roles can lead to suboptimal ad performance. For instance, if creative strategists are unfamiliar with media buying tactics, they might not fully grasp how their content is utilized and optimized.

Effective collaboration requires both sides to have a basic understanding of each other's roles and challenges. This mutual understanding can help in creating a cohesive strategy that leverages the strengths of both creative and media buying to produce high-performing ads. That’s one of the reasons why, at Brighter Click, our media buyer and strategy team meet regularly to discuss upcoming plans, ad rollouts, and creative execution. 

"Collaboration is key," Barry stated. "Creative and media buying teams need to work together, share insights, and align their strategies." This involves regular communication, joint planning sessions, and a willingness to learn from each other.

Want to Optimize Your Ad Account?

Launching ads that convert involves more than just creating visually appealing content. It requires a deep understanding of media buying, strategic incentive alignment, continuous optimization, and effective collaboration between creative and media buying teams. 

By focusing on these core areas, you can create ads that not only capture attention but also drive conversions and scale effectively.

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