KPI Goals For Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Colby Flood
Creative Strategy

Influencer marketing is an impactful strategy for brands to expand their reach to engage with their target audience. However, to truly measure the success of an influencer marketing campaign, setting and tracking the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is essential. In this article, we'll explore the critical KPI goals for influencer marketing campaigns, focusing on performance metrics throughout the stages of the customer journey and spend efficiency metrics.

Influencer Marketing KPIs to Track

You must track a variety of KPIs to measure your influencer marketing campaigns correctly. These KPIs will help you understand your campaign's performance at each stage, from initial awareness to final conversions. We'll also provide benchmarks or goals to help you gauge your performance.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are crucial for evaluating the overall impact of your influencer marketing campaigns. These metrics are divided into three main phases: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

Awareness Phase

The awareness phase focuses on the initial impact of your campaign. Here are the key KPIs to track along with benchmarks:

Activated Influencers

Activated Influencers Formula: Total number of influencers engaged in your campaign.

Importance: This metric helps you understand the scale of your influencer activation efforts. A higher number of activated influencers typically leads to greater reach and awareness.


Posts Formula: Total number of posts created by influencers for your campaign.

Importance: Tracking the number of posts gives you insight into the volume of content generated, which can correlate with campaign visibility.


Reach Formula: Number of unique users who see your content.

Benchmark/Goal: This will differ for each business based on the sales/conversion goals and the budget. 

Importance: Reach measures the breadth of your campaign's visibility. A high reach indicates that your content is being seen by a large audience.


Impressions Formula: Total number of times your content is displayed.

Importance: Impressions show the overall exposure of your campaign. Multiple impressions per user can reinforce your brand message and increase recall.

Consideration Phase

The consideration phase measures how well your audience is engaging with your content. Important KPIs include:


Views Formula: Total number of views your video content receives.

Benchmark/Goal: This will be different for each business based on the sales/conversion goals and the budget.

Importance: This metric indicates the level of interest in your video content, which can drive further engagement and consideration.


Engagements Formula: Total interactions (likes, comments, shares) with your content.

Importance: Engagements reflect how actively your audience is interacting with your content, a key indicator of interest and resonance.

Engagement Rate

Engagement Rate Formula: (Total Engagements / Total Impressions) * 100

Benchmark/Goal: 1%-3% is considered good; 3%-6% is excellent.

Importance: A high engagement rate signifies content that resonates with your audience.


Clicks Formula: Total number of clicks on your links.

Benchmark/Goal: 1%-2% of impressions should convert into clicks.

Importance: Clicks measure the effectiveness of your call-to-action and the interest level in learning more about your brand.


Traffic Formula: Amount of website traffic driven by influencers.

Benchmark/Goal: This will be different for each business based on the sales/conversion goals and the budget.

Importance: This metric shows how well your influencer content is driving potential customers to your website.

Conversion Phase

The conversion phase focuses on the ultimate goal of your influencer marketing efforts – driving sales and revenue. Key KPIs include:


Sales Formula: Total number of sales generated through influencer marketing.

Benchmark/Goal: Aim for a 2%-5% conversion rate from influencer-driven traffic.

Importance: Sales are the most direct indicator of your campaign's return on investment (ROI).

Blended MER Lift

Blended MER Lift Formula: (Media Efficiency Ratio Post-Campaign - Media Efficiency Ratio Pre-Campaign) / Media Efficiency Ratio Pre-Campaign * 100

Benchmark/Goal: A 10%-20% lift is a strong indicator of improved media efficiency.

Importance: This metric helps you understand how influencer marketing is improving the overall efficiency of your media spend.

Spend Efficiency Metrics

Spend efficiency metrics help you evaluate the cost-effectiveness of your influencer marketing campaigns. These metrics include:

Cost per Post

Cost per Post Formula: Total Spend / Number of Posts

Benchmark/Goal: $100-$500 per post for micro-influencers; $1,000+ for macro-influencers.

Importance: Understanding this cost helps you budget and optimize your influencer collaborations.

(CPM) Cost per Thousand Impressions

CPM Formula: (Total Ad Spend / Impressions) * 1000

Benchmark/Goal: Generally aim for CPMs no higher than $25-45

Importance: CPM helps you evaluate the cost-efficiency of your campaign's reach.

(RPM) Revenue per Thousand Impressions

RPM Formula: (Revenue Generated / Impressions) * 1000

Benchmark/Goal: Aim for an RPM with at least a 2-4x ROI.

Importance: RPM indicates the revenue efficiency of your campaign, showing how well impressions are converting into sales.

Cost per Engagement

Cost per Engagement Formula: Total Spend / Total Engagements

Benchmark/Goal: $0.10-$1 per engagement, depending on the platform and influencer tier.

Importance: This metric helps you understand the financial efficiency of driving engagements.

Cost per Click

Cost per Click Formula: Total Spend / Number of Clicks

Benchmark/Goal: $0.50-$2 per click, varying by industry and campaign scope.

Importance: CPC is crucial for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of driving traffic from influencer content.

Effectively tracking and optimizing KPI goals for influencer marketing campaigns is essential for maximizing the impact and ROI of your efforts. By focusing on performance metrics across the awareness, consideration, and conversion phases, as well as spend efficiency metrics, you'll have a clear understanding of your campaign's effectiveness.

At Brighter Click, we specialize in helping brands develop and execute successful influencer marketing strategies.

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