The Top Email Marketing Strategies for 6- and 7-Figure Brands

Colby Flood
Creative Strategy

Which email marketing strategies can help propel your business growth?

As agency leaders, it's crucial to understand how to tailor your email marketing strategies to businesses at different stages of growth. Strategies that work for one 6-figure business may not be enough for a 7-figure business to thrive – as you scale, you have to adapt. 

During a recent conversation with Wiehan Britz, CEO of Magnet Monster, I gained a ton of valuable insights into how his agency approaches email marketing strategies for 6-figure and 7-figure brands, from essential flows to the most valuable software and tools on the market.

Below, you’ll learn some of the most important insights he shared with me!

Email Marketing for Six-Figure Brands

For six-figure brands, simplicity is key. These businesses are often less complex, with smaller teams and fewer resources. At this stage, the goal is to implement essential email flows that can drive growth without overwhelming the team or the budget.

Key Email Flows for Growth

Wiehan emphasized the importance of establishing the following foundational email flows:

  1. Welcome Flow: When someone subscribes to your newsletter, it's important to hit them with the right message upfront. This early engagement can set the tone for a long-term relationship, so it’s important to get it right (A/B testing is a great way to start!). A well-crafted welcome flow can introduce new subscribers to your brand, highlight your key products or services, and provide an immediate value proposition.

  1. Abandonment Recovery Flows: These include checkout abandonment, cart abandonment, and browse abandonment flows. These flows target customers who have shown interest but haven't completed their purchase, helping to recapture potential lost sales. For instance, a well-timed email reminding a customer of the items left in their cart, possibly with an added incentive (10% off or free shipping, for example), can significantly boost conversion rates.

  1. Review Request Flows: Encouraging customers to leave reviews can boost your brand’s credibility and attract new customers. Positive reviews can serve as powerful social proof, influencing other potential buyers. 

  1. User-Generated Content Collection: Prompting customers to share their experiences and content can enhance your brand’s authenticity and engagement. User-generated content, such as photos or videos of customers using your products, can be repurposed across marketing channels to build trust and community.

Balancing Flows and Campaigns

An interesting approach Wiehan mentioned is considering the percentage of revenue contribution split by flow versus campaign. 

For example, if 75% of your revenue comes from campaigns and 25% from flows, then campaigns should be at the top of your priority list. This balance helps prioritize where to focus your efforts to maximize revenue growth. 

Regularly analyzing the performance of both flows and campaigns allows for dynamic adjustments, ensuring that marketing efforts align with business goals.

Tech Stack Opportunities

For six-figure brands, a lean tech stack is crucial. Here are some recommended tools:

  1. Quizzes and Pop-Up Forms: Zero-party data collection is vital in a cookie-less world. Implementing quizzes and pop-up forms can help gather valuable customer data. These tools can be used to understand customer preferences and tailor marketing messages accordingly.
  2. Order Tracking Software: Tools like Wonderment can enhance the post-purchase experience by updating customers on their order status. Providing real-time updates builds trust and reduces customer service inquiries.
  3. Server-Side Tracking: Solutions like Littledata help track customer behavior even with ad blockers in place, ensuring you have accurate data to inform your marketing strategies, which is crucial for maintaining data integrity and making informed decisions.

Email Marketing for Seven-Figure Brands

Brands' needs and challenges become more complex as they scale to seven figures, so strategies need to evolve as they grow. 

Wiehan highlighted several key issues that these larger businesses face, including: 

Increased Volume and Cadence

Seven-figure brands typically need to ramp up the volume and cadence of their email campaigns. This means sending more emails and potentially increasing the frequency of campaigns to keep up with larger customer bases and more extensive product lines. 

The increased volume requires sophisticated segmentation to ensure that messages remain relevant and personalized.

Focus on Subscription Models

These brands often shift their focus to subscription models, aiming to increase repeat purchase revenue from subscribers. Developing replenishment flows and post-purchase education campaigns becomes crucial. 

For example, if a product is used over 30 days, educating customers during this period can encourage timely re-purchases. Subscription models provide predictable revenue and deepen customer relationships through regular engagement.

Complex Data Collection

With more extensive operations, seven-figure brands collect vast amounts of data. Analyzing retention cohorts and extracting actionable insights becomes more challenging yet essential. This complexity requires advanced data analysis tools and strategies. 

Understanding customer lifetime value, purchase frequency, and churn rates can inform targeted retention strategies.

Omnichannel Coordination

Larger brands work with multiple agencies and resources, making omnichannel coordination critical. Ensuring that email and SMS efforts align with other marketing channels can drive a cohesive customer experience and more effective marketing outcomes. Consistent messaging across email, SMS, social media, and direct mail helps reinforce brand identity and marketing messages.

Retention Marketing Strategies for Different Stages

Here’s a quick breakdown of some retention marketing strategies, depending on the stage your brand is at. 

1. Six-Figure Brands: Simplicity and Essentials

  •    Focus on basic but impactful flows: welcome series, cart abandonment, and review requests.
  •    Maintain a lean tech stack with tools for data collection and order tracking.
  •    Balance the revenue contribution from flows versus campaigns to prioritize efforts effectively.

2. Seven-Figure Brands: Managing Complexity

  •    Increase the volume and frequency of email campaigns with advanced segmentation.
  •    Implement sophisticated post-purchase flows and subscription models to drive repeat purchases.
  •    Utilize advanced data analysis to extract actionable insights from large datasets.
  •    Coordinate omnichannel efforts to ensure a consistent and cohesive customer experience.

Get a Free Klaviyo Health Audit!

Our friends at Magnet Monster are obsessed with sharing Klaviyo best practices with DTC founders and email marketers!

So, if you’d like to know what is wrong with your Klaviyo account or how to enhance its performance, grab their FREE Klaviyo Health Audit worth $3,000! 

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