Leading Micro Influencer Marketing Agency

At Brighter Click, we are a premier social micro influencer marketing agency dedicated to boosting your brand's visibility and engagement. As a top agency in influencer marketing, we connect you with creators that resonate with your target audience, driving meaningful interactions and conversions. Partner with us for tailored strategies that deliver impactful results.

Our Clients

eCommerce clothing company logo
eCommerce sustainability company logo
eCommerce clothing company logo

How We Can Help With Micro Influencer Marketing

At Brighter Click, we leverage our expertise to position ourselves as the best micro influencer marketing agency for your brand. We understand the power of authentic connections and use this to enhance your brand’s presence across social media platforms.

Our comprehensive services include:
Micro Influencer Sourcing: Identifying the perfect influencers who align with your brand values and target audience.

Strategic Campaign Planning: Developing customized strategies that maximize engagement and drive conversions.

Negotiating Rates: Securing the best deals with influencers to ensure a cost-effective approach.

Content Creation: Collaborating with influencers to produce authentic and compelling content.

Performance Tracking: Monitoring campaign performance with detailed analytics to measure success and optimize strategies.

Reporting: Providing comprehensive reports that highlight key metrics and insights.

Partner with us to benefit from our tailored approach, designed to help your brand achieve its marketing goals efficiently and effectively.
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Olymp Webflow Template Digital Marketing Team About Us 1 Page Image
Olymp Webflow Template Digital Marketing Team About Us 1 Page Image

Our Micro Influencer Marketing Process

Channel Selection

We determine the most effective channels for your brand to utilize influencer partnerships. By analyzing your target audience and market trends, we select the best platforms to maximize your campaign's impact and reach.

Micro Influencer Sourcing

We meticulously vet influencers to ensure they align with your target audience and brand values. Our expert team identifies the best influencers who can effectively promote your brand to drive engagement and conversions.

Negotiating Rates

We handle all negotiations to secure the best rates for your influencer partnerships. Our experience ensures fair and beneficial agreements that maximize your return on investment.

Contract Signing

We provide comprehensive contract templates and manage the signing process between your brand and the influencers. This ensures clear expectations and smooth collaborations.

Funnel Planning

Our team leads the communication between all parties involved, including landing page designers and content creators, to ensure that strategies are aligned across the marketing funnel for optimal performance.

Performance Tracking

We set up robust tracking systems to monitor the performance of each influencer. This allows us to gather detailed data and insights to measure the effectiveness of the campaigns.

Whitelisting Ads

We develop and execute media buying strategies for whitelisted ads. By running these ads in sync with influencer posts, we enhance reach and ensure a positive ROI for your campaigns.

Performance Reporting

We provide detailed performance reports that measure the success of your influencer campaigns. Our reports highlight key metrics and insights, allowing you to understand the impact and effectiveness of each influencer partnership.

Find Potential Micro Influencers

Book a strategy call to discuss building a list of vetted influencers for your brand.

Finding Micro Influencers Across Platforms

TikTok Micro Influencers

We identify dynamic TikTok influencers who create engaging and viral content, perfect for promoting your brand to a younger, tech-savvy audience.

Instagram Micro Influencers

Our team sources influential Instagram personalities with high engagement rates to showcase your products through visually compelling posts and stories.

YouTube Micro Influencers

We collaborate with popular YouTube influencers who can provide in-depth reviews, tutorials, and demonstrations of your products, reaching a broad and engaged audience.

Twitter Micro Influencers

Our experts find Twitter influencers who can effectively amplify your brand through concise, impactful tweets and active engagement with their followers.


We partner with reputable bloggers that own websites with a high domain authority to write detailed articles and reviews about your products, providing valuable content that enhances your websites backlinks and brand’s credibility and reach.

LinkedIn Micro Influencers

We connect with LinkedIn influencers who specialize in B2B content, perfect for promoting your SaaS product to industry professionals and decision-makers.

The Industries We Service

DTC Influencer Marketing

In the direct-to-consumer (DTC) space, influencer marketing can be a game-changer. We specialize in connecting DTC brands with influencers who have a direct impact on their target audience. Our approach ensures that your products reach consumers who trust and follow the recommendations of their favorite influencers. From fashion and beauty to wellness and tech, we craft tailored influencer marketing strategies that drive brand awareness, increase engagement, and boost sales.

B2C SaaS Influencer Marketing

For B2C SaaS companies, influencer marketing is a highly effective way to reach a broad audience and demonstrate the practical benefits of your software. We work with influencers who can authentically integrate your product into their content, showing real-life applications and benefits to their followers. Whether your SaaS product targets individuals looking to enhance their productivity, manage personal finances, or improve their health, we connect you with influencers who can amplify your message and drive user acquisition.

B2B SaaS Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing isn't just for B2C; it's equally powerful in the B2B SaaS industry. We help B2B SaaS companies build credibility and generate leads by partnering with influencers who are thought leaders in their field. These influencers can effectively communicate the value of your software to other businesses, showcasing how it solves specific problems and enhances operations. Our B2B influencer marketing strategies focus on building long-term relationships and leveraging the trust influencers have with their professional networks to drive meaningful results.

Our Services Partners

No agency can be an expert at everything. That's why we stick to what we do best and team up with other skilled agencies and experts. This way, you get the very best in every area of marketing.

Emall/SMS Marketing
Tik Tok Ads
Organic Social Media
Shopify Web Design
Community Building
Subscription Retention

Why You Should Work With Brighter Click

Data-led Strategies

Our approach is grounded in data analysis, ensuring every decision is based on solid insights for optimized performance and growth.

eCommerce Experts

With years of experience in the eCommerce industry, our team understands the unique challenges and opportunities that come with your brand's growth.

Fast and Effective Results

We prioritize speed and efficiency, delivering quick, impactful results that drive your brand's growth and success.

Nimble Team

Our agile teams adapt quickly to changes and new opportunities, ensuring your marketing strategy remains flexible and responsive to market demands and changing company objectives.

Valuable Learnings

We continuously run tests and experiments to uncover valuable learnings and optimize marketing efforts.

Keep your data secure

Your data’s security is our top priority. We implement robust security measures to protect your sensitive information and maintain your trust.

The Size of Influencers We Can Get for Your Business

Nano Influencers: 1K to 10K Followers

Nano influencers have smaller but highly engaged audiences. They are ideal for niche markets and can provide authentic, personal endorsements that resonate deeply with their followers. Working with nano influencers allows you to tap into specific communities and build genuine connections with potential customers.

Micro Influencers: 10K-100K Followers

Micro influencers offer a balance between reach and engagement. They are cost-effective and can drive significant impact within specific niches. With a dedicated follower base, micro influencers can generate higher engagement rates, making them valuable partners for promoting your products and services to targeted audiences.

Mid-Tier Influencers: 100K to 500K Followers

Mid-tier influencers have larger audiences and can offer more substantial reach. They are suitable for growing brand awareness and driving engagement. Collaborating with mid-tier influencers can help amplify your brand message, increase visibility, and attract a broader audience, while still maintaining a level of authenticity and trust.

Macro Influencers: 500K to 1M Followers

Macro influencers have extensive reach and can amplify your brand message to a broad audience. They are ideal for large-scale campaigns and brand-building efforts. With their significant influence and professional approach, macro influencers can help you achieve widespread recognition and drive substantial traffic to your business.

Mega Influencers: 1M+ Followers

Mega influencers are celebrities or well-known personalities with massive followings. They can generate significant buzz and awareness but may come with higher costs. Partnering with mega influencers can place your brand in front of millions of potential customers, creating high-impact campaigns that can elevate your brand to new heights.

Our Services Partners

No agency can be an expert at everything. That's why we stick to what we do best and team up with other skilled agencies and experts. This way, you get the very best in every area of marketing.

Emall/SMS Marketing
Tik Tok Ads
Organic Social Media
Shopify Web Design
Community Building
Subscription Retention
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"Delivered items on time and went, and continue to go above and beyond for us. They take time to understand our business and always come with new ideas on top of their own expertise they provide. They are always flexible and willing to work with our companies fast pace."

Dylan G.
Social Media Advertising Manager
Find Potential Micro Influencers
Book a strategy call to discuss building a list of vetted influencers for your brand.
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What is considered a micro influencer?

A micro influencer is an individual on social media who has a follower count ranging from 10,000 to 100,000. These influencers typically have a highly engaged audience within a specific niche, making them valuable partners for brands looking to reach targeted demographics.

How to find micro influencers for your brand?

To find micro influencers for your brand, you can use various strategies:
1. Influencer Marketing Platforms: Use platforms like AspireIQ, Upfluence, and Traackr to search for influencers based on your specific criteria.
2. Social Media Searches: Utilize hashtags, location tags, and keywords related to your industry to discover potential influencers.\
3. Competitor Analysis: Look at influencers your competitors are working with and consider reaching out to those who align with your brand values.
4. Google Search: Conduct Google searches for lists of top influencers in your niche.
5. Hire an Agency: Partnering with an agency like Brighter Click can streamline the process. Our team has the expertise and connections to find the right micro influencers who align with your brand and campaign goals. We handle everything from outreach to campaign management, ensuring a seamless and effective collaboration.

How many followers do micro influencers have?

Micro influencers typically have between 10,000 and 100,000 followers. This follower range allows them to maintain a strong connection with their audience while providing brands with substantial reach and engagement.

How much do micro influencers cost?

The cost of working with micro influencers can vary widely depending on factors such as their engagement rate, niche, and the scope of the campaign. On average, micro influencers may charge anywhere from $100 to $1,000 per post. Some influencers might also consider product exchanges or affiliate commissions as part of their compensation.

How to approach micro influencers?

When approaching micro influencers, follow these steps:
1. Personalize Your Outreach: Show that you have researched the influencer by mentioning specific posts or aspects of their content that you admire.
2. Be Clear and Concise: Clearly explain your campaign, goals, and what you are looking for in the collaboration.
3. Offer Value: Highlight the benefits of working with your brand, whether it’s monetary compensation, free products, or unique experiences.
4. Build a Relationship: Engage with their content before reaching out by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts. This helps build a connection and makes your outreach more genuine.
5. Use Professional Communication: Maintain a professional tone and be respectful of their time and preferences. Follow up if you don’t get a response, but avoid being pushy.

Competitors Table

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